
May 23, 2024

10 Ways to Help Your Resistant Eater

Eating is a complex multi-sensory process. While eating, we receive information from all our senses simultaneously; vision, touch, smell, taste, sound, proprioception, and balance.  Additionally, eating is a complex motor… Read more »

May 20, 2024

Early Intervention: An Overview

Early intervention is a term used to describe therapeutic services for children from birth to age three.  For infants and toddlers not meeting developmental milestones, early intervention services are critical… Read more »

May 20, 2024

Baby Sign Language

Baby sign language is a great way to encourage language before your baby is able to vocally produce words. It allows a baby to communicate what he wants, or what… Read more »

April 22, 2024

Augmented Language Interventions

Many caregivers hope for their children to be primarily verbal communicators.  This may lead them to shy away from using augmented or alternative communication modes in the home or with… Read more »

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The key to effective treatment is an early response.
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