
May 29, 2024

The A-B-Cs of Behavior

Problem behaviors may be a common challenge for students, especially those with developmental and learning disabilities.  Parents, educators, and family members may find problem behaviors in children a common source… Read more »

May 23, 2024

10 Ways to Help Your Resistant Eater

Eating is a complex multi-sensory process. While eating, we receive information from all our senses simultaneously; vision, touch, smell, taste, sound, proprioception, and balance.  Additionally, eating is a complex motor… Read more »

April 5, 2024

Messy Play

Tactile play offers endless learning opportunities and messy play is a crucial component of early education.  There are many benefits of messy play. What are the benefits of messy play?… Read more »

April 5, 2024

Therapeutic Listening Blog

Using Music to Improve Sensory Processing Music is frequently used as a therapeutic tool to calm or organize children. However, does music have the potential for sensory organization? In 2007,… Read more »

March 3, 2024

Books! Books! Books!

Research suggests that storybook reading facilitates language development and plays an important role in preparing children for success in school. In addition to enhancing early language development and literacy skills,… Read more »

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