
May 23, 2024

10 Ways to Help Your Resistant Eater

Eating is a complex multi-sensory process. While eating, we receive information from all our senses simultaneously; vision, touch, smell, taste, sound, proprioception, and balance.  Additionally, eating is a complex motor… Read more »

May 20, 2024

Early Intervention: An Overview

Early intervention is a term used to describe therapeutic services for children from birth to age three.  For infants and toddlers not meeting developmental milestones, early intervention services are critical… Read more »

April 5, 2024

Messy Play

Tactile play offers endless learning opportunities and messy play is a crucial component of early education.  There are many benefits of messy play. What are the benefits of messy play?… Read more »

April 5, 2024

Therapeutic Listening Blog

Using Music to Improve Sensory Processing Music is frequently used as a therapeutic tool to calm or organize children. However, does music have the potential for sensory organization? In 2007,… Read more »

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The key to effective treatment is an early response.
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