Rainy Day Fun
Rainy days with a toddler can sometimes be challenging. You might find yourself not being as active as you are during sunnier months because the go-to favorite of the park is not possible in the rain. Here are a few ideas of developmentally appropriate activities for toddlers in the community and at home to help keep them busy.
Rainy day activities in the community
The Children’s Discovery Museum
The Children’s Discovery Museum offers a few exhibits that are sponsored by First 5, Santa Clara County. Therefore, they are designed specifically with children under the age of 4 in mind. Exhibits Sponsored by the First 5 include The Wonder Cabinet and WaterWays.
Storytime and other activities
Each library system is different, but most offer story time, movement and music activities, and activities in languages other than English. Here are a few examples:
Indoor Family Storytime at the San Jose Public Library
Cuentos, Cantos y Colaciones – Bilingual Songs and Games at the Alameda County Library, Newark Branch
Holiday Family Storytime at the Alameda County Library, Fremont Branch
Night Owl Storytime; Music and Movement, and Baby Lapsit and Playtime at the Sunnyvale Library
Baby Sign Time at the Santa Clara County Library, Los Altos Branch
Rainy day activities at home
Flashlight hunt
Playing in the dark can be fun! Before you start this activity, go into your child’s room or some other room in the house and place some of his favorite toys, books, or other objects around the room. To begin this activity, talk about the concept of light and dark. Then let your child turn off the light and turn the flashlight on. Ask him to try to find his teddy bear or another favorite object with the flashlight. As he swings the light around, you can mention all of the things you see until you get to the teddy bear or other object. You can also review the different parts of a room–ceiling, floor, window, door, closet, bed, dresser–by flashing the light on each. (Idea adapted from www.ToddlerToddler.com).
Toddler bowling
Line up three or more empty plastic soda bottles or unopened wrapped paper towel rolls. Show your toddler how to roll a large rubber ball to knock them over. (Taken from Family Education)
Kuffner, T. (2009). The toddler’s busy book: 365 creative learning games and activities to keep your 1 1/2 to 3-year-old busy. Minnetonka, MN: Meadowbrook Press.
- (2011). Flashlight hunt activity. Retrieved from http://www.toddlertoddler.com/indexflashlighthunt.htm