
Having Fun with Sensory Integration Activities

September 16, 2024

From the womb into adulthood, our neurological systems are developing and processing an overwhelming amount of sensory information every day.  Our system must then interpret this information and make it ready to be tolerated and used for specific purposes.  To help with this process, sensory integration activities are unbelievably fun and a necessary part of development for any child, whether they have a sensory processing disorder or not.

Purpose of sensory integration activities

Sensory integration activities promote self-regulation in children and are necessary for:

  • daily functioning
  • intellectual, social, and emotional development
  • the development of a positive self-esteem
  • a mind and body which is ready for learning
  • positive interactions in the world around him
  • the achievement of normal developmental milestones

Work disguised as play

The best part about sensory integration activities is the creative fun you can have coming up with ideas, playing with your child using sensory input, or purchasing unique toys and products anyone would love! Children think they are having fun when they are working strenuously at building essential skills with their bodies and better neurological systems. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, consistency, and persistence, but in the end, you will have a thriving child who can regulate sensory input much more effectively.

Let’s play!

The variety of sensory integration activities is endless… only limited by your creativity and imagination!  Here are some ideas to get you started.

Tactile Play

  • Shaving cream
  • Rice, lentils, beans, pasta
  • Water and sand
  • Playdoh
  • Silly string

Vestibular Play

  • Swing
  • Slide
  • Spinning in an office chair
  • Rocking chair
  • Sitting or rolling on a yoga ball
  • Scooter boards

Proprioceptive Play

  • Trampoline
  • Tunnel
  • Heavy work chores (pulling garbage bin, stomping on cans for recycling, wiping tables and windows, carrying groceries)
  • Wrestling
  • Tug of war
  • Animal walks
  • Chewy food (bagels, licorice, gum, beef jerky)
  • Crunchy food (chips, pretzels)
  • Thick liquids through straws (milkshakes, yogurt drinks)

Would you like to know more about how we can help your child’s sensory integration processing through play?  Please contact us for an appointment with one of our occupational therapists.


Resource: Sensory Integration Activities from

Make an Appointment

We know your time is valuable! Complete the appropriate form below and a member of our office staff will speak with you within 24 hours, Monday-Friday, to set up an appointment.

We look forward to serving you!

The key to effective treatment is an early response.
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