When adults acquire a new language, they find that the pronunciation of the language is the most difficult aspect to learn. We help non-native English speakers learn to pronounce English clearly and confidently. Ultimately, this process can improve communication, relationships, and careers.

When an Accent Interferes with Communication
An adult acquiring a new language finds that the pronunciation of the language is the most difficult aspect to learn. As a result, the new language may be spoken with the speech sounds of the individual’s primary language, making it difficult for the larger community to understand.
In our Pronouncing English program, a speech-language pathologist, trained in the mechanics of speech production and language formulation, helps clients communicate as effectively as possible. The process involves learning to pronounce the speech sounds of English clearly and confidently in connected speech.
Are You a Candidate for Our Pronouncing English Program?
- Am I often asked to repeat myself?
- Am I too shy or embarrassed to use English?
- Am I having difficulty advancing in my job because of my English pronunciation?
- Are people distracted by my accent and miss my message?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, CSLOT can help you.
Length of Program
The 12-week treatment process, administered by highly experienced and licensed speech-language pathologists, will help you learn to pronounce English clearly and confidently.
The Evaluation Process
In the evaluation phase of the program, we identify your substituted, added, or omitted sounds. Rate of speech is assessed because accented English is even more difficult to understand when spoken rapidly. Phrasing and emphasis are also addressed.
How Treatment Works
Clients work individually or in small groups with a therapist once per week. The group method is available so that clients can practice their new pronunciation skills with each other. Treatment is individualized to target only those speech sounds that are the most difficult for each speaker.
The first step is to learn to hear the difference between the correct sound and the error sound. Then clients learn how to produce the sounds in words, sentences, and conversation. Practice includes voice recordings, emphasizing complete word production, and voice projection in conversation and reading.